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Registered NDIS Service Provider

Daily Personal Activities & High Intensity Support - NDIS Melbourne

NDIS Daily Personal Activities & High Intensity Support

Daily Assistance to Personal Activities

Supporting Daily Personal Activities means delivering carers who assist participants with any daily task they find challenging when unsupported, including personal care, dressing and moving around the home and undertaking regular household tasks. ​

NDIS High Intensity Supports are services delivered where a participant has much higher and complex needs which require a higher degree of skills, training and supervision. With our history in training we can assemble a team and have our training professionals ensure they are properly equipped to deal with any number of co-morbid needs.

NDIS High Intensity Support Melbourne

The NDIS High intensity supports in Melbourne includes supporting participants in their day to day life who require strict adherence to health management, medical or behaviour support plans or a combination of all three.

VIA Care can deliver supports guided by a Behaviour Support Plan, can manage intensive sensory and communication needs and is accustomed to integrating intensive medical supports into 24 hour rosters of support work.

NDIS High Intensity Support Melbourne - Man with Basketball

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